Through massage therapy you can gain relaxation, stress relief, and more flexible movement. The massage therapy that are offered is a positional release, Swedish massage, Manual lymphatic massage. Manual is for improving the lymphatic system to move more freely and this helps to improve health and wellness.
Nail care is a basic need as we age or have physical limitations, At Associates of wellness I can help with that in home or in office. Thing that you should look for nail care service:
There is an unreal expectation of beauty, and that beauty can be toxic both in how we feel about ourselves and the products that we use on our skin as consumers. At Associates of wellness the as an aesthetics I have the experience and knowledge and my own personal experience with skincare. I only use products that are good for your skin with your health and wellness in mind. The lymphatic system is a crucial part of our body immune system. This is done by a network of hundreds of lymph nodes that drain fluid to be transported back to the bloodstream. It also removes bodily waste and carries white blood cell to help to prevent infection in the body. There are times when the body has a condition of chronic swelling that can show up as puffiness in the body and face. MLD can help to reduce puffiness, dull complexion and skin irritation.
Add on to basic Facials:
Exfoliation treatment $25.00
Clay mask treatment $35.00
Microcurrent $25.00
Nail care treatment $40.00