You may ask your self what is massage and what can it do for me? Massage has been used in human history from the beginning of time. Massage is a systematic and scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. There are many reasons to have massage therapy most people get a massage for relaxation, sore muscles, therapy for muscular issues, pain reduction, and certain types of edema and to help with range of motion, just to name a few.
There are many reasons for the imbalance within the soft tissues. While most can be treated with massage therapy. The goal of massage is to bring about a change in the physiologic, mechanical or psychological effects have been attributed to massage therapy.
There are many types of massage what we do at Associates of Wellness is positional release and hot stone therapy. Positional release is where we use the action of the muscle to release the trigger point. The stone therapy is a massage with hot stones. There are times when we would use both of these therapies to get the result for the client.
All therapy is customized to provide the client with an individual and unique experience using clean ingredients that are designed to offer holistic therapeutic results for the client.